Chicago Dentystyka Ogolna

W Portage Park Dental oferujemy szeroka game uslug prewencyjncyjnych I stomatologii ogolnej , miedzy innymi takich jak :

Egzaminy, przeglady, badania przesiewowe w kierunku nowotworow jamy ustnej, cyfrowe przeswietlenia, egzamin kamera wewnatrz-ustna, czyszczenie zebow, lakowanie zebow oraz fluoryzacja. Uzywamy najnowyszych technologii aby w miare mozliwosci unikac borowania I wiercenia.
Ponadto oferujemy szeroka game uslug leczniczych, ktorych celam jest przywrocenie I / lub zachowanie prawidlowej struktury zebow.
Naszym celem jest udzielenie pomoc kazdemu pacjentowi w kazdej sytuacji : od wymiany wypelnienia, naprawe zlamanego zeba za pomoca nadbudowy czy koronki,wypelnieni brakujacych zebow za pomoca mostkow, protez czy implantow. W miare mozliwosci oferujemy alternatywne metody leczenia.




Egzamin jeat bardzo wazna czescia wizyty. Podczas egzaminu lekarz stomatolog moze wykryc prochnice, cysty, torbiele I utrate kosci . Dzieki nowym technologia mozemy robic zdjecia rentgenowskie z minimalnym promieniowaniem rentgenowskim. Zdjecie te pozwalaja okreslic pozycje zebow, korzeni I kosci.

Oral Cancer Screening

This procedure looks for any signs of oral cancer or conditions which may lead to oral cancer. This is a thorough exam of the face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, tissues, and gums.

Dental cleaning

The most important step to a beautiful smile is good oral hygiene. This is why doctors strongly recommend routine dental cleanings and checkups, usually every six months. This can prevent common dental problems like decay or root canal therapy.


Resin composite material are used to protect the chewing surface of back teeth from cavities.


Fluoride can be either a foam or varnish applied on patients teeth after a dental cleaning. Fluoride makes teeth less susceptible to acid erosion, as well as strengthens and reduces sensitivity.

Preventative Resin Restoration

This procedure is to prevent progression of decay, without drilling. Great for kids and patients who are afraid of shots and drilling. For more info please visit ICON DRILLING NO THANKS! web site.




Are placed to restore damaged tooth structure usually from fracture or decay. We can replace old broken down amalgam. We are an amalgam free practice! Tooth- colored composite will restore your teeth for a natural look of your smile.


An enamel look like composite material that is applied to a chipped, broken or discolored tooth, and then hardened. Bonding will fill cracks, chips and worn areas of your teeth giving you a nice, healthy smile.


Are a tooth-shaped caps that are placed over teeth to either protect a weak tooth for instance from decay or after root canal treatment, to restore an already broken tooth, or to cover a dental implant.

Inlays and onlays

Restorations-porcelain or composite used to repair teeth that have moderate amount of decay. They can also be used to restore cracked teeth, if the damage is not severe enough to require a dental crown.


Dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth, mostly made of porcelain. Usually, consists of two or more crowns with a false tooth „bridged” between. The dentist places the crowns on the teeth adjacent to the gap for strength and stability. Other options for replacing missing teeth are partial dentures and dental implants.

5613 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634


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