In the 1940s, doctors and dentists found that kids living in areas with naturally high levels of fluoride in the drinking water had fewer cavities than children from regions with low levels of it. Since then, many communities have fluoridated their water. Over-the-counter fluoridated toothpaste and mouth rinses are available on store shelves. When this is not enough, you can get a fluoride treatment from your dentist.

Why Fluoride Is Used

Fluoride is used to protect your teeth from cavities. You may need to get a treatment in the dentist’s office if your home does not receive fluoridated water. Each person absorbs this chemical differently, and some people need extra fluoride in order to adequately protect their teeth. The treatments are usually given to kids to prevent cavities.

How Fluoride Treatments Work

Fluoride can be taken orally or applied to your teeth at the dentist’s office. The fluoride used at dentists’ offices is a prescription-strength product. It works with your saliva to rebuild tiny faults in dental enamel. By strengthening your enamel, the fluoride helps prevent bacterial acids and sugars from causing decay.

Effectiveness of Fluoride Treatments

Dentists and medical researchers estimate that because of fluoride, about 50 percent of children have never developed cavities in any of their adult teeth. Taking good care of your teeth during childhood makes you more likely to have healthier teeth as an adult. However, fluoride treatments do not exempt you from needing to practice good oral hygiene. You will still need to maintain the proper regular dental habits like continuing to brush twice per day for two minutes and floss once per day.

When you or your child needs fluoride treatments, don’t hesitate to call the office of Aneta Choma-Dlouchy, DDS.